I searched the web for a lightweight script that would allow me to provide users with a simple guided tour of a web app. Though there are some pretty nice tours out there I didn't see any that worked really well at any screen size.
Thus was born chaperone.js.
npm install chaperone
bower install chaperone
tour = {
// set up your phone and tablet breakpoints, be as generic as possible.
// In the future it will except as many as you like and you may name them.. but for now.. just these two wil have to do
breakpoints: {
mobile: 640,
tablet: 1024
// If you want the tour to start as soon as the script is run, change this to true.
autoStart: false,
// If you don't like the standard throbber html you can put yours here
throbberHTML: 'your fancy html here',
// Again, don't like the standard? Replace it!
chaperoneHTML: 'more fanciness',
// What's the selector in the chaperoneHTML for adding the progress? ( 2 of 5 )
progressSelector: '[data-hook="chaperone-progress"]',
// and the text selector for the step message?
textSelector: '[data-hook="chaperone-text"]',
// how about the back button selector?
backSelector: '[data-hook="chaperone-back"]',
// don't forget the next button
nextSelector: '[data-hook="chaperone-next"]',
// and finally the finish button
finishSelector: '[data-hook="chaperone-finish"]',
// how fast should things move?
animationTime: 300,
// do you want it to repeat or just end?
cycle: false,
// Here's the meat. Add some steps to your tour!
steps: [
// if there isn't a target selector the default is 'body'
// position can be none( absolute ), locked (absolute to the container of the target) or fixed (fixed to the window)
position: 'locked',
// when locked you can control the distance of the throbber from the target. This one controls the x axis.
lockedLeft: 100,
// and this one does the y
lockedTop: -30,
// This next one is required. It's gotta say something!
message: 'Well... it's where we tell you what this thing is.',
// If you need a callback when the throbber opens
openEvent: openMenu,
// or when it closes
closeEvent: closeMenu,
// here's where you decide what sizes to show this throbber on. It defaults to all of them
shownOn: [ 'mobile', 'tablet' ]
// another step
// and another
if ( !chaperone.shownSteps ) {
chaperone.init( tour );
} else {
chaperone.placeSteps( chaperone.shownSteps );
chaperone is a product of the SCSSC&S design process and was shepherded into existance by Ian with much help from Mike